Mulberry tree and childhood
It was a typical hot and dry evening of Delhi as I reached my home that day, as I removed my shoes and made myself a little comfortable I got a call from a dear friend. He was waiting in a parking place which was earlier used by kids as a play ground when I was a kid, a ground where I spent many afternoons and evenings as a kid playing with my friends, the ground right next to my home. He had to go somewhere and he wanted me to accompany him. I told him to either wait patiently in his car for fifteen minutes or come inside, he took the second option. As we returned barely after few minutes we noticed his sparkling new car was covered with mulberries. The seasonal fruit mulberry is not considered sellable not at least in Delhi these days. He started his car and said “Khushwant” time has really changed, I nodded in yes. On our way to the other corner of Delhi I was pushed back into my childhood. There was a time when I used to climb that same mulberry tree; dark red colored m...
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